OFF-SOURCE • COST Action CA21112

Offshore freshened groundwater: An unconventional water resource in coastal regions?

The COST Action (OFF-SOURCE) aims at creating a new scientific network that will address if and how OFG can be used as an unconventional source of potable water in coastal regions.

About the Action

Freshwater resources in coastal regions are under enormous stress due to population growth, pollution, climate change and political conflicts, and many coastal cities have already suffered extreme water shortages.


OFF-SOURCE will address if and how offshore freshened groundwater (OFG) – groundwater stored in the sub-seafloor with a total dissolved solid concentration below that of seawater – can be used as an unconventional source of freshwater in coastal regions.

Aims & objectives

The COST Action (OFF-SOURCE) aims at creating a new scientific network that will address if and how OFG can be used as an unconventional source of potable water in coastal regions.


What is offshore freshened groundwater (OFG) and what do we know? Where we find it? Why is important? Which tools we will need? What are the challenges? and much more...

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